FVL - Fortis Vets Limited
FVL stands for Fortis Vets Limited
Here you will find, what does FVL stand for in Veterinary under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fortis Vets Limited? Fortis Vets Limited can be abbreviated as FVL What does FVL stand for? FVL stands for Fortis Vets Limited. What does Fortis Vets Limited mean?The Veterinary company falls under veterinary category and is located in and handles veterinary.
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Alternative definitions of FVL
- Flora Valley, Western Australia, Australia
- Friends of the Victorville Library
- Fundacion Valle del Lili
- Fons Vitae Lyceum
- Framas Vietnam Ltd.
- Ford Vietnam Ltd
- Full Visibility LLC
- Franklin Valve Lp
View 23 other definitions of FVL on the main acronym page
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